Sunday, February 18, 2007

Great Idea #10: Swimwear for the Masses

As previously noted, I am a kinda busty girl. This poses real problems when buying swimwear. WHY do swimwear designers seem to presume that the only people who wear bikinis are skinny teenagers in B cups? It is SO frustrating. Guess what- I want to look good when I go swimming too.

I don't really get how you can find the exact same bra in twenty different sizes, but that swimwear is almost always a universal cup size. News flash- a large breast squished into a tiny fabric triangle is NOT attractive. Or comfortable.

Another news flash- big puppies need a shelf to sit on. If I CAN find a top which covers my twins, they tend to, well, flop. I actually wasn't planning on wearing them around my knees just yet, thanks. Underwire is a big girl's friend.

I'm not the only one having problems here. I know plenty of more petite chested women who can't find bikini tops to suit them either. They find there is too ample breast space for them.

Should a swimwear designer design a basic hot bikini, and then offer it in different cup sizes (perhaps with slightly tweaked designs to best flatter different sizes), they would make a FORTUNE! They've already had the genius ideas of providing a range of different bikini bottoms (tie up side, hipsters, boy leg shorts, etc); and of selling tops and bottoms as separates, so that the consumer can advocate their bikini combo of choice. Now, Swim Wear Gods, it is time to take that idea to the extent of its potential. Please...

1 comment:

Caroline said...

I just hope that burqinis become fashionable, I'd be quite happy wearing one of those instead of a bikini. And I wouldn't get burnt.