Friday, February 23, 2007

Great Idea #13: Ringing Locater Device

I don't know about you, but I am constantly looking for my keys/ wallet/ sunglasses before I can leave the house (although, strangely, I always know exactly where my boyfriend's things are... just not my own). The only thing I don't have trouble locating is my mobile phone- and that's because I just grab the land line and call my mobile, then follow the ringing.

So why don't we have ring tones for other essential and easily lost items? You could purchase an electronic tab which incorporates a phone number. The phone number doesn't connect to a phone as such, just a ringing device which can be attached to your easily lost items. When you ring the number, the device rings so you can follow the sound to your frequently misplaced things.

Of course, you'd need to identify in advance which things you lose frequently- for me that is as above; keys, wallet and glasses. I also frequently lose my car in large car parks, but that can be rectified by me saving up and buying a new car with an auto lock device on the keys. One which makes the car say "beep beep". Similar theory, just a little more expensive. And rendered completely useless if I can't even find my keys...

1 comment:

lisa said...

I have this thought nearly every morning! One advantage of living in such a small space is having very few places for me to actually lose my keys...