Monday, March 19, 2007

Great Idea #17: Schmunday

Ever feel like there's not enough days in the week to get everything done? Wouldn't it be great if time could stand still, just for a little while, so you have a chance to catch up on study and/or volunteer work?

I present to you: Schmunday.

It is a day when no one is allowed to work, see friends/family/partners or do any kind of leisure activity. No meetings can happen on a Schmunday, nor social gatherings. It is a day that only exists for busy people, so everything can get ticked off their to-do list, so that they can maintain a healthy work/life/volunteer work/study/etc balance.

Oh how I could use a Schmunday...

*** This great idea was originally formulated with Kat.


Naomi said...

Do sleeping and housework count as lesiure activities? Because right now they're high on my to-do list.

I WANT a Schmunday!

lisa said...

Only something with a deadline is allowed to occur on a Schmunday. So, if you were cleaning your house because you have inspection the next day, then yes. If it's just because your house is messy, then no. Sleep isn't allowed. Schmunday's tough like that.

People who aren't crazy busy people get to sleep through Schmundays though, to the point that they don't even realise there's an extra day in the week... they just wake up on Monday morning wondering where the weekend went.

Nick said...

This reminds me of a French short story (forget who by) in which people could buy time like any other commodity. So the rich had all these extra leisure days, while the struggling hero had to get everything done in even less time because he couldn't afford a whole week.

Caroline said...

Ok, this isn't a proper comment, but I can't figure out how to sign in. It seems the only way to do it is to enter my username and password and post a comment. Grrr.

"Great Idea #18: A blogging website that allows you to sign in without posting a comment....."

lisa said...

There's an orange button in the top-left corner of the page, which takes you to the Blogger home page. You can log in from there.