Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Great Idea #22: Kidz Dollarz

Like Kidz Bodz, but for financial education.

How many young people get their first credit card, max it out and then wonder why they can't afford anything?

How many people of all ages amass huge amounts of money in a Savings Maximiser account earning 6% when they could be earning up to 20% if they invested in shares, managed funds or property?

Plenty of people.

If only kids could learn some basic financial literacy at school, so that they would know how to manage their money once they start to earn some.

Kidz Bodz helps reduce the growing obesity problem, Kidz Dollarz would help reduce the growing debt problem.

Great Idea #21: Harry Potter Reading Room

Ok, now that there will never be anymore Harry Potter books, this idea can never happen.

If you owned a bar two weeks ago, you could have turned it into a "Harry Potter Reading Room" on Saturday night.

You'd have lots of comfortable couches and waiters that come around serving food and drinks whilst people sit around reading Harry Potter.

Great Idea #20: Motivation in a pill

Motivation would be great if it came in pill form.

How many times have you sat in front of a computer with a whole lot of work that needs to be done, but you just can't muster up enough motivation to do it?

You start to make excuses for why you can't do it, you start to think of things you could do to get out of doing it, some of them quite extreme such as quitting your job or getting hit by a bus.

You try having some coffee or an energy drink to wake you up, but that doesn't help.

If only you could pop a pill and you'd suddenly feel like entering that long, tedious list of numbers into a spreadsheet is the most exciting thing in the world......

Monday, July 30, 2007

Great Idea #19: Off the beaten track parties

For some reason, my friends and I frequently come up with lots of really fun party ideas, many of which will never eventuate. Perhaps it's simply because so many of us involved in theatre and we love an opportunity to dress up and show off.

However, it would be great if there was a collection of GOOD party ideas. Not lame ones like "Football party, come in your favourite football colours," but unusual party ideas, like, say, a ladybird party, where everyone must wear black and/ or red and/ or spots.

Even more fun would be to provide a feedback function, where people could rate how their party went, and post photos and tips.

Here are a few ideas we've come up with lately:

-Slinky Pinky party- the trashiest barbie inspired pink outfits you can think of. Trashier the better. If you have a pink trailer in which to hold the party (a la Barbie's trailer), this would be ideal
- Pirate pARty- everyone must talk in a pirate voice, wear a parrot or an eye patch, and preferably amputate a limb. All drinks must include rum, and all food served must include the sound 'AR', such as banARnAR, or pARty pies, or tARcos.
- Asia bling party- Head to toe burberry with ear muffs. Not a single pattern matching on your body, topped off with the world's most enormous earrings. Hello kitty. You get the idea. Serve sushi, mai tais and Japanese slippers.

Get creating the most ridiculous party ideas you can. There's bound to be SOMEONE who loves it and takes it on. Most likely my friends...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Great Idea #18: Suburb Translator

I live in Melbourne. I like living in Melbourne. In fact, I like it so much I'd come here for a holiday, but I can't because I live here. So, instead, I have to settle for a holiday in Sydney.

When I holiday in Sydney, I like to go shopping, have lunch, have coffee and go out for dinner. In Melbourne, I like to go to St Kilda, to Brunswick St, and to Carlton. But because I can't tell Newtown from Nth Parramatta or Narrabeen or Balmain from Bangor or Bonnet Bay, I don't have a clue where to go.

If only there was a way to find Sydney's St Kilda, Sydney's Brunswick St and Sydney's Carlton.....

This is where a suburb translator would come in handy. You enter the name of a suburb in one city into a suburb translator website and it's equivalent in another city will pop up!

Sydneysiders will never have to go looking for a devonshire tearoom in Dandenong again.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Great Idea #17: Schmunday

Ever feel like there's not enough days in the week to get everything done? Wouldn't it be great if time could stand still, just for a little while, so you have a chance to catch up on study and/or volunteer work?

I present to you: Schmunday.

It is a day when no one is allowed to work, see friends/family/partners or do any kind of leisure activity. No meetings can happen on a Schmunday, nor social gatherings. It is a day that only exists for busy people, so everything can get ticked off their to-do list, so that they can maintain a healthy work/life/volunteer work/study/etc balance.

Oh how I could use a Schmunday...

*** This great idea was originally formulated with Kat.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Great Idea #16: Kid friendly healthy snacks

Have you ever had one of those 'pop-top' fruit drinks? They're aimed at kids, maybe about 200ml and taste like super strong, overly sweet cordial. They're disgusting, but they appeal to kids because they're more interesting than water, and they have a pop up lid. They appeal to parents because they fit into kids' lunchboxes, and it means their kids are drinking something. Plus, because it says 'fruit' on the front, parents can pretend it's healthy. Well, being a health teacher, I checked out the label. 25% fruit juice, and something like 50% sugar. BAD!

What a great niche market it would be to market healthy food that was appealing to kids. It seems like snack foods are either totally kid friendly (LCMs, etc) or totally boring. Lots of kids are quite happy to eat healthy food, but it needs to be marketed to the kids. Like these pop top drinks. One could EASILY produce water in the same shape bottles, and colour it with natural colours (not sugars), and maybe add a twist of fruit juice to flabour it. Voila. A healthy drink which fits in a lunch box (good for parents) and is bright and flavoured (good for kids). Easy.

Where health food companies are going wrong, I think, is not looking at the existing market. They need to check out what works for the current market leaders, and then, well, rip it off! Lots of the gimmicks can be reproduced with products which are not high in sugar, or with natural flavours and colours. Things like popcorn are really healthy, and kids love them- but the only version available are covoured in coloured sugar, or toffee. It's so easy to tweak.

Come on, health food manufacturers! You're missing out on the sales opportunity of a lifetime!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Great Idea #15: Sims Orthodox

The Sims games are brilliant. They allow you test your life skills without actually having to live it. You can see if you can look after a pet without actually having to have a pet. You can have a go at starting a business without the expense and stress of actually starting a business in real life. Basically, you can have a go at living a life with certain constraints without actually having to put up with those constraints in real life.

One set of constraints that the Sims have not yet covered are orthodox religions. If there was a "Sims Orthodox" game, you could see what it was like to try and hold down a job as an orthodox Muslim, praying five times a day. You could try living as an orthodox Jew, keeping a kosher kitchen and using no electricity once a week. You could live as an orthodox Hindu (is that the right expression?) in a Hindu neighbourhood and have cows roaming freely through the streets.

The game could have a calendar incorporated in it, and you would be required to celebrate all the festivals as they came up. If you miss a festival, or don't keep to the rules of your religion, then you lose points.

Great Idea #14: Mobile Kebab Van

I love having nights out on the town. I adore smokey venues, striking up conversations with random strangers while bopping along to loud music, and drinking whatever beer is on tap. While I've never enjoyed clubbing, you can find me at the nearest pub or bar, with a drink in hand and a smile on my face. Kebabs are the perfect end to a night out.

Maybe this is why I don't enjoy house parties as much - no kebab.


What if someone started a Mobile Kebab Van business?

Party hosts can call up the Mobile Kebab Van to book a time, date and location, winning the admiration of drunken party-goers. The Mobile Kebab Van would have a guaranteed clientele who are eager for food, but too drunk to walk too far. And, in the same way that Ice Cream Vans play a tune so that little kids can rush out on hot summer days, the Mobile Kebab Van can play a rendition of "I Will Survive" (the ultimate party song) when cruising the streets, so that drunken partyers know when to rush out and get their kebab fix...

I need garlic sauce. NOW.

See you at the next house party!

*** This great idea was originally formulated with Nick and Johnny.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Great Idea #13: Ringing Locater Device

I don't know about you, but I am constantly looking for my keys/ wallet/ sunglasses before I can leave the house (although, strangely, I always know exactly where my boyfriend's things are... just not my own). The only thing I don't have trouble locating is my mobile phone- and that's because I just grab the land line and call my mobile, then follow the ringing.

So why don't we have ring tones for other essential and easily lost items? You could purchase an electronic tab which incorporates a phone number. The phone number doesn't connect to a phone as such, just a ringing device which can be attached to your easily lost items. When you ring the number, the device rings so you can follow the sound to your frequently misplaced things.

Of course, you'd need to identify in advance which things you lose frequently- for me that is as above; keys, wallet and glasses. I also frequently lose my car in large car parks, but that can be rectified by me saving up and buying a new car with an auto lock device on the keys. One which makes the car say "beep beep". Similar theory, just a little more expensive. And rendered completely useless if I can't even find my keys...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Great Idea #12: The Distance Estimator

In theory, I know I need to leave extra time for travel during peak hour. In planning, I tend to allow at least fifteen- thirty minutes extra. In practice, I leave only five- fifteen minutes early (despite good intentions) and arrive five- fifteen minutes late.

This experience is usually exaggerated if I am travelling to an area I don't know well, and have to estimate the travel time using my street directory.

Would it really be so tough to set up a travel estimator? The information could be like shareware- you enter your origin, destination and start and arrival times into a database. The information is collated and averaged. You could then search the database by stating your origin, destination and start time. The database could let you know the average travel time to this area at this time of day.

Genius. Someone invent this for me, please. My punctuality depends upon it.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Great idea #11: The Teleporter-Car

Ok, I know that realistically this is a long way off. But let me explain the need for this.

Do you know anyone who, when planned arrival at events, forgets to factor in travel time? My brother is a prime suspect for this; if he needs to be somewhere at, say, 4pm, then he gets in the car at 4pm. Maybe even 5 past 4. He says it's because he's so used to having to catch public transport, that having a car seems impossibly fast. This means he treats the car almost as if it were a teleporter. And so they should be.

If cars were teleporters, we wouldn't need the traffic report. We wouldn't need to worry about peak hour. We wouldn't have to worry about speed cameras, drink driving (teleporting), taxi costs. We also wouldn't have to learn how to drive manual teleporters like we do manual cars. It'd make things so much easier.

So go on. Someone who understands quantum physics; invent this.

P.S. I am aware that, really, the teleporter need to actually be a car. But hey, it's a cool image.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Great Idea #10: Swimwear for the Masses

As previously noted, I am a kinda busty girl. This poses real problems when buying swimwear. WHY do swimwear designers seem to presume that the only people who wear bikinis are skinny teenagers in B cups? It is SO frustrating. Guess what- I want to look good when I go swimming too.

I don't really get how you can find the exact same bra in twenty different sizes, but that swimwear is almost always a universal cup size. News flash- a large breast squished into a tiny fabric triangle is NOT attractive. Or comfortable.

Another news flash- big puppies need a shelf to sit on. If I CAN find a top which covers my twins, they tend to, well, flop. I actually wasn't planning on wearing them around my knees just yet, thanks. Underwire is a big girl's friend.

I'm not the only one having problems here. I know plenty of more petite chested women who can't find bikini tops to suit them either. They find there is too ample breast space for them.

Should a swimwear designer design a basic hot bikini, and then offer it in different cup sizes (perhaps with slightly tweaked designs to best flatter different sizes), they would make a FORTUNE! They've already had the genius ideas of providing a range of different bikini bottoms (tie up side, hipsters, boy leg shorts, etc); and of selling tops and bottoms as separates, so that the consumer can advocate their bikini combo of choice. Now, Swim Wear Gods, it is time to take that idea to the extent of its potential. Please...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Great Idea #9: Shape Specific Clothing Stores

I like Caroline's Great Idea for stores which sort clothes to suit your hair and skin colouring. But why stop there? Let's go one further. Let's also have a store that helps you know which clothes fit your body shape. A section for (dark haired, medium skin) hourglass shapes; another for (blond, fair skin) pear shapes.

I'm also excited by the fact there is a new website on which you can buy shirts that are specifically designed to suit certain cup sizes. This is a Great Idea! i think it is particularly great for me, as I'm a D-cup- good LUCK getting a shirt to do up! Check out www.mrrose.com.au for more.

So. The Person Specific Clothing Store should stock things for certain cup sizes too. Hell, let's just go back to having tailors...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Great Idea #8: Personal Air-conditioning Controls

Wow, isn't air-conditioning great? I just love the way it can do so many fabulous things all at once: spread diseases like Legionnaire's through an entire building; emit greenhouse gases; and throw your body out of whack by plunging you into near-freezing temperatures on a 38 degree day. But really, who am I kidding? Almost no-one wants to actually EXIST in 38 degree heat, so I guess air con is here to stay, and who's REALLY complaining?

Me. I HATE freezing air-con. I don't understand the point of it, when surely it could just be set to around body temp, which I presume (complete lack of scientific background possibly obvious?) is a comfortable heat for us. But office building air conditioning is ALWAYS terrible. It's either not working, and you're sweltering, or it's freezing cold. Sometimes there are just weird patches of the building in which the air con is at a different temperature to an area five metres away.

Most office air conditioners are 'centrally controlled', so that one has no control over one's own work area. This, to me, seems ludicrous. How can we have control over our own little air con fans in cattle class airliners, but not have a little autonomy in regards to our cubicles heat regulation?

So. I propose that this be rectified soon. Oh, and air-con should use grey water. Drought, water restrictions, etc. But that's been thought of already.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Great Idea #7: Gmail Stars

I love my Gmail. It keeps track of e-mail conversations, lets me file e-mails in more than one folder, send e-mails from different e-mail addresses and even lets me talk to friends in "real time". The fact that it automatically scans my e-mails for keywords to post up related advertising doesn't bother me. For someone who likes to be as geekily organised as myself, Gmail is wonderful.

The one thing that would make Gmail PERFECT would be different coloured stars. At the moment, all the stars are yellow. This is unfortunate. I have no idea what's a volunteer-work-related star, what's a friend-catchup related star and what's an annoying-bureaucracy related star. I can't prioritise. I just know I have 25 stars that I should be doing something about, rather than blogging about... Argh! Help me, Gmail! I can't organise without you!

And if you won't do it, the idea is now out there for someone else to create an e-mail application-thing JUST LIKE GMAIL, but with coloured stars. You wouldn't want that to happen, do you?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Great Idea #6: Blonde/Redhead/Brunette Clothing Store

How many times have you gone shopping, seen something you like, but you're not quite sure if the color suits you? You could ask the sales assistant's opinion, but they will always tell you it looks fabulous.

This problem could be solved if there was a clothing store that was divided in sections of clothes that suit blondes with pale skin, another section for blondes with darker skin, another for redheads, another for brunettes with pale skin, another for brunettes with darker skin etc.

The store could even put out a catalogue using models of each hair/skin coloring combination.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Great Idea #5: Short Story Cafes

I love those cafes that have books shelved on the walls. These are normally the type of cafes that have mismatched chairs and old, over or under-stuffed couches with springs that poke into you. But that's ok- it just means you don't feel bad if you put your feet on the furniture.

Sometimes, if I'm in a cafe alone, I like to pick up a book and browse it. But realistically, one can't commit to a novel over a latte. There's just not enough reading time in a standard cup. But how can you satiate your literary hunger when you're wanting something a little more substantial than your standard trash mag fare?

Some cafes will stock zines (short, personal, handmade magazines), which is fantastic. Zines are great, because they don't demand commitment and often have interesting pictures and short quirky pieces you can read through on the fly. More cafes should have zines. And pay the zine-writers! Zinesters normally work for the love of their art.

Another often under-represented class of writer is the short-story writer, and this is where a beautiful union could occur with cafes. Cafes could commission short story writers to submit pieces, and then have them bound into short story collections to adorn the cafe shelves. Perfect cappucino froth browsing!

But a cafe needn't commit to such expense as publishing and binding. Maybe a short story could be placed on or around tables, perhaps inside the menu, framed at eye level, or slotted into a plastic menu stand. It'd give a unique, friendly vibe to the cafe, allow for stories to be on high rotation, and would mean that even when you get stuck with the crummy table in the back corner by the kitchen door, you can still delight in the personal touch of a new story to keep you company.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Great Idea #4: Cake to Share

Have you ever noticed how cake in cafes and restaurants is simply too big for one human sized person to eat alone? And of course, one is charged accordingly. Can't give away a slice of cake that could feed an entire African nation for mere small change now, could we? Just wouldn't seem right. A veritable insult to Africans everywhere.

Why is this? Sure, it's great to share a slice of cake with a friend, but what about when you can't agree on which cake to choose? Or when you're on your own? It seems quite criminal to order (and pay through the nose for) a large slice of raspberry summer torte, only to leave half of it on the oversized plate.

And so, I feel that there should be options in cake sizings. Perhaps you have a Standard Slice, reasonably priced (say, under $5) and sized for one. But then you offer the economical Share Slice, which is designed for two. Perhaps it's sized at about a Standard slice and a half, and only a few dollars more. Now the cafes will still get their profits, as people love a bargain and will often choose the share slice based on the sheer VALUE. But it means that people like me, who like to have their cake and eat ALL of it too, need not pay to leave any more than the crumbs on their dessert plates.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Great Idea #3: The Solar Panelled Laptop Computer

Is it just me, or do laptops never really work long enough to really be useful without being connected to a power source? My image of a great day with a laptop involves chilling in a park, lazily doing my job in a pleasant and non-threatening environment. Invariably, when one attempts this scenario, the laptop shuts down mid-vital-document-preparation. This shut down is generally so violent as to lose any unsaved information (in my case, most likely everything I've done, as I rarely back up my work), and perhaps, for good measure, I'll get a minor electric shock.

Now maybe I just have really bad luck with electronic devices. Perhaps I should pay more attention to the flashing "low battery" message in the corner of the screen. Perhaps I should more efficiently employ my laptop time, painstakingly word-processing, rather than googling, blogging or updating my music playlists. But hey- that's not part of my image of "An Idyllic Day Out With My Laptop".

So why don't laptops have solar panels? It makes sense! I want to use my laptop OUTSIDE, in the SUN, a source of ENERGY. You wouldn't necessarily have to solely power the computer by solar power- it could still be primarily charged by a standard power connection, but the solar panels would ensure that, while the sun revitalises your mind and melanomas, it also keeps your laptop power topped up and functional, allowing you to enjoy your playlists (er, I mean work time...) to the full.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Great Idea # 2: The Coffee Table Blog of Great Ideas

Seriously, if we don't have the time/ energy/ money/ willpower to create our own ideas, who are we kidding? We're not about to make a coffee table book!

What if we could make the whole process simpler and more immediate? Of course! The Coffee Table Blog! Enjoy the fruits of our labour, for they are few and far between.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Great Idea #1: The Coffee Table Book of Great Ideas

Have you ever had a Great Idea and thought "Someone should invent that"? And logically, being that you have had this idea, that someone inventor could well be you. But really, who has the time/ money/ energy/ willpower?

On the other hand, there definitely ARE people out there with the time/ money/ energy/ willpower; what they lack are the Great Ideas. Are the twain doomed never to meet?

No. Rather, there should be a Coffee Table Book of Great Ideas. Here, People of Great Ideas can note down their possible inventions and business ventures. This can then be perused at will by People of Time/ Money/ Energy/ Willpower. A beautiful marriage of creativity and possibility.

So here's our stab at it. Have a browse through our Great Ideas. Just remember, we're bound to recognise them again, so don't go stealing them without paying us enormous royalties!